Award winners from Larbert High School's senior prizegiving 2023/24

Larbert High School's Dux Medalist and Proxime Accessits, from left, Tamar-Grace Morrison, Brooke Fraser, Rebecca Miller, Eva Collister, Caitlin Williams and Lauren Finlay.  (Pic: Larbert HS)Larbert High School's Dux Medalist and Proxime Accessits, from left, Tamar-Grace Morrison, Brooke Fraser, Rebecca Miller, Eva Collister, Caitlin Williams and Lauren Finlay.  (Pic: Larbert HS)
Larbert High School's Dux Medalist and Proxime Accessits, from left, Tamar-Grace Morrison, Brooke Fraser, Rebecca Miller, Eva Collister, Caitlin Williams and Lauren Finlay. (Pic: Larbert HS)
The hard work and achievements of pupils at Larbert High School were recognised with a series of events at the end of term.

For the first time since the Covid pandemic, the school hosted in-person prizegiving ceremonies for both the junior and senior levels.

The events were a way to recognise and congratulate the students on all they have achieved over the last academic year.

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Addressing those gathered, acting rector Jo Wilson said: “One of the things which is particularly important to me is having hard-work and talent recognised. So, this evening is a celebration of the very best of Larbert High School and recognition of the importance that we attach to both academic attainment and wider achievement.

“I would like to offer my warmest congratulations to all of the award winners – well done to each and every one of you, and also to the ‘team’ of staff and parents that have supported you on your way.

“All of your hard work, commitment and effort over the course of, not only your last year, but your entire school career has really paid off – you should truly be very proud of your achievements – as we most certainly are.”

Due to the exceptional academic achievements of some of pupils this session there were five winners of the Proxime Accessit Medal at Larbert High for 2023/24. They were Lauren Finlay, Brooke Fraser, Rebecca Miller, Tamar-Grace Morrison and Caitlin Williams.

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Eva Collister was awarded the Dux Medal after achieving the highest academic performance in the year. She achieved an A band 1 in every subject/qualification she has undertaken.

After the summer, Eva will be heading to Princeton University in New Jersey and is planning to major in the School of Public and International Affairs.

Princeton is an Ivy League University with an admissions rate of less than four per cent.

Derek Paterson, Depute Rector, said: “We are incredibly proud of everything Eva has achieved and the remarkable work ethic and determination she has shown consistently throughout her school career.”


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S4: Sara Aitken, Daisy Allison, Andrew Armstrong, Keira Atherton, Falak Bijapur, Abigail Brenner, Robbie Brown, Eleanor Brown, Lewis T Brown, Tailor Brown, Liam Bryce, Lewis Campbell, Emma Campbell, Max Cartwright, Ben Colbourne, Olivia Coutts, Hannah Cuthbert, Alicia D'Alby, Chloe Davies, Catriona Daw, Nieve Deans, Madison Dillon, Ella Dingwall, Cara Donaldson, Manraj Dosanjh, Lara Douglas, Amelie Duncan, Fia Elliott, Ella Findlay, Eva Flannery, Millie Gardiner, Amy Gardiner, Blair Gilmour, Bailey Gray, Layla Grubb, Fayaaz Haja, Katie Hedges, Jamie Henderson, Chloe Henderson, Callum Hendry, Abigail Hillen, Chloe Irvine, Kirsty Johnston, Marek Kolesar, Emma Laing, Liam Landsman, Daniel Lawless, Cole Leask, Grace Lees, Sophie Levey, Fallon Lewis, Megan Lloyd, Isla Mackenzie, Max Marquis, Amie Mason, Zoe Mason, Jamie McAdam, Jennifer McFadden, Arryn McGillivray, Charlotte McGuire, Isla McIntyre, Millie McIntyre, Caitlyn McKean, Daniel McKee, James McKinlay, Aaron McWatt, Lily Menmuir, Ben Milnes, Mairaj Mustafa, Ekua Osei, Sophie Paterson, Casey Paton, Adrian Philipson, Sarah Quin, Harrison Renwick, Melissa Reynolds, Lily Riddoch, Zack Ross, Fiona Rue, Kyle Russell, Martyn Salgado, Diana Savitska, Ben Schofield, Lewis Sharpe, Sophie Simmers, Caleb Stanners, Freya Stevenson, Rebecca Stevenson, Daniel Struthers, Harry Taylor, Daisy Taylor, Evan Wardrop, Alicia Watson, Victoria Weir, Hunter Wilkinson, Rachel Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Alana Wright, Tian Yu. S5: Lewis Aikman, Lauren Anderson, Sophie Appelbe, Jennifer Archibald, Molly Armstrong, Alisha Arshad, Sophie Averley, Jenna Bain, Sasha Barnaby, Angela Barrowman, Euan Binnie, Joanna Bolton, Daniel Brennan, Dane Brown, Ryan Buchanan, Robert Byars, Sophie Carling, Robyn Carter, Jake Chambers, David Chatburn, Kaiden Chisholm, Murron Clark, Lauren Coltherd, Emily Comrie, Ethan Cox, Fraser Crawford, Macy Dale, Heather Davidson, Katelyn Davidson, Finlay Davidson, Morven Deed, Daniel Dougan, Erin Duncan, Cameron Evans, Hannah Fitzpatrick, Ben Fleming, Carys Forgie, Emily Forsyth, Olivia Fowler, Niall Fraser, Callum FFraser, Aidan Gallagher, Lucie Gibson, Keaton Gillespie, Alistair Graham, Ellie Griffin, Jorja Halliday, Ava Hastings, Nnenda Hekerem, Evie Hope, Sophie Isbister, Mia Jack, Esther Kallow, Dannii Kirkland, Siobhan Laurie, Jessica Lister, Sophie Lynch, Megan MacDonald, Jennifer MacDonald, Katie Mackay, Hannah MacLeod, Ava MacMillan, Kyle MacMillan, Lala MacRae, Euan McArthur, Myla McEwan, Katie McGregor, Rachel McKay, Katy McKinlay, Bethany McMillan, Leila McPhate, Kirsty Melville, Paige Melville, Ethan Merritt, Rhys Miller, Alex Moffat, Abbey Mungall, Sarah Neary, Chloe Nisbet, Beya Ogg, Russell Park, David Pender, Maciej Piszczalka, Amy Preston, Charlotte Ramsay, Sam Redwood, Emma Reid, Mathew Rinkus, Arran Ritchie, Rhiannon Rodger, Sophie Sanderson, Lewis Scott, Lois Shaw, Niamh Sherrington, Adam Sime, Caragh Simpson, Fergus Smith, Kai Smith, Tyler Stewart, Gemma Stockwell, Lily Strachan, Prasoon Tayade, Mia Taylor, Megan Tetsill, Joe Thorburn, Illia Vasylevskyi, Logan Waddell, Eva Whitecross, Fraser Wyllie. S6: Alesha Ahmed, Cassi Ainslie, Callum Andersen, Lauren Baird, Shannon Bell, Charley Binnie, Alice Blair, Hannah Blair, Ewan Brown, Kyle Burden, Hannah Cochrane, Eva Collister, Ruari Comrie, Cara Connolly, Amy Cruickshank, Emily Dodds, Abbie Duncan, Lauren Finlay, Brooke Fraser, Stuart Fraser, Sam Gardner, Callum Gardner, Niamh Gargan, Rebecca Gibb, Cailin Gibson, Flyn Gillespie, Rebekah Gray, Lewis Gray, Jamie Grome, Cara Hendry, Lucia Henry, Molly Hutton, Mahnoor Jawwad, Zoe Johnston, Natalie Johnston, Bee Knight, Phoebe Lamming, Isabella Lees, Isla MacDonald, Andrew MacDonald, Marcus Mackay, Abbi Macleod, Bethany Mardon, Hollie Mason, Ben Massey, Benjamin Massey, Neil McArthur, Grace McBride, Charlie McBride, Sophie McCormick, Niamh McCrossan, Luke McFarlane, Evie McGrandles, Lauren McGuire, Evan McIntyre, Georgia McKeever, Connor McKerron, Blair McMillan, Thomas McMillan, Cara McPhaden, Abbie McRoberts, Kima Meijer, Kade Millar, Rebecca Miller, Tamar-Grace Morrison, Cole Morrison, Lucy Morton, Erin Murphy, Ben Niven, Darcey Paterson, Noah Peggie, Sam Pinkerton, Steven Rabet, Jessica Riddoch, Alex Robinson, Alyx Roy, Craig Samson, Sarah Sardzikova, Callum Smith, Jake Smith, Callum Stanners, Ben Stenton, Katie Sutherland, Abigail Thewlis, Jenna Weir Caitlin Williams, Michael Young.

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