Carronshore boy collects toiletries and treats for hospital staff and patients

Aaron Walker's homemade sign and collection box helped him to gather dozens of items for NHS staff and patients.Aaron Walker's homemade sign and collection box helped him to gather dozens of items for NHS staff and patients.
Aaron Walker's homemade sign and collection box helped him to gather dozens of items for NHS staff and patients.
A caring Carronshore schoolboy has collected toiletries and treats to donate to hospital staff and patients amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Seven-year-old Aaron Walker felt obliged to help others when he heard his mum, Lindsay Doyle, discussing the difficulties posed by COVID-19 and the fact no visitors are allowed on to wards.

The Carronshore Primary School pupil decided to create his own collection box outside his home in the hope of gathering together essential items for both those on the frontline at Forth Valley Royal Hospital and those in their care.

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His generous gesture led to dozens upon dozens of products, from toothpaste to cakes, being left in the bucket by family, friends and passers-by.

Word even got out as far as Glasgow via social media as Facebook users pledged to support Aaron’s cause online.

After collecting enough donations to fill three large supermarket bags full of goods, Aaron headed to the Larbert hospital to make the drop-off.

Mum Lindsay said: “I’m very proud.

“He has heard a lot about what people are doing and wanted to give back.

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“It’s all toiletries for the patients like shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant.

“He’s collected cakes, biscuits and chocolates too because he wanted to donate to the staff as well.

“My mum is a midwife and Aaron’s auntie is working in one of the coronavirus testing centres.

People are donating things like tins of soup and noodles, so he has handed that over for the staff canteen and he’s thinking about donating to the local food banks.

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“There’s a lot of people going out their way to donate and I want to thank anyone who has donated.”

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