Girl (15) was sexually assaulted in Grangemouth street

Johnston Press
A 15-year-old girl was subjected to a sickening sexual assault when a man grabbed her from behind and touched her breasts during an angry altercation in the street.

Gintaras Skerlo (29), 138 Westerton Road, Grangemouth, was then set upon by the girl’s friends and he then threatened them by waving around a wooden fence post.

Appearing at Falkirk Sheriff Court last Thursday, Skerlo, who required a translator, pled guilty to the sexual assault he committed in Charlotte Dundas Court, Grangemouth on May 4.

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He also admitted behaving in a threatening manner and carrying an offensive weapon.

Procurator fiscal depute Susan Campbell said: “It was 8.30pm and there was a large group of youths aged between 14 and 20 years of age gathered in Charlotte Dundas Court. The accused approached the group at that point and there is a suggestion he was asked to purchase alcohol for some of the members of the group.

“As he exited the shop he approached a 15-year-old girl from behind and placed his arms over her shoulders and touched her breasts over her clothing. She reacted by spinning around and pushing him away from her.

“Other members of the group of youths took exception upon learning what had happened and an altercation broke out with the accused struggling with various persons. He left in the direction of Loanhead Avenue and was seen to grab a piece of fence post from nearby.

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“He returned with the wooden fence post and was swinging it around in the direction of some of the people there. One of the girls there punched the accused in the face in her own defence.

“Police were contacted and found the accused slightly later on the same evening. They noticed he did have blood on his mouth as a result of being punched and was heavily under the influence of alcohol.”

Sheriff Derek Hamilton deferred sentence on Skerlo until December 5 to allow a criminal justice social work report and restriction of liberty order assessment to be carried out. Skerlo was also ordered to place his name on the sex offenders register.