Eyecatching images from blind artist

Photographer Rosita McKenziePhotographer Rosita McKenzie
Photographer Rosita McKenzie
The fascinating photography of a totally blind artist will be available to view at Callendar House later this month.

Rosita McKenzie will be giving a talk, entitled An Introduction to Blind Photography, at the historic venue on Saturday, August 19, from 2pm to 3pm.

The Edinburgh artist was a disability equality educator in London in the early 1980s, working closely with organisations like the Victoria and Albert Museum, the National Portrait gallery, the Whitechapel Art Gallery and the Living Paintings Trust.

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In 2006 she was invited to create an accessible photographic exhibition for the Inverleith House Gallery at the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh and her career as a self-taught photographic artist began.

She said: “This talk at Callendar House will give an overview of my arts practice as a blind photographer, from its inception in 2006 to the present day. It will be illustrated by examples of my visual imagery which covers many different topics and subject matter.

“There will also be a chance to experience some of my interpreted material in the form of black and white raised prints and ceramic tiles. Finally, before taking audience questions – which I welcome – I will demonstrate some of the techniques I use to capture and to create my photographs. 

“This process is guided by my hearing, sense of touch, taste and smell and an overwhelming curiosity in the difference between my imagined perspective, and a ‘sighted’ one.

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“For me, the act of taking a photograph is less about the finished image, and more about the relationship between my body and the physical space it inhabits.”

Visit www.falkirkcommunitytrust.org or www.facebook.com/falkirkcommunitytrust for more information.